Sandalwood Yards and Tipperary School

Travel-guide Listings: Golden Outback, WA

Sandalwood Yards and Tipperary School
Corner of Ford Street and Avon Terrace, York, WA
Travel Guide - Sandalwood Yards and Tipperary School is the site of the depot for sandalwood, which was transported to Fremantle, then shipped to Asia for incense and oil. Hundreds of cutters made a living bush felling the wood in the mid 1860s. Very little sandalwood, an extremely slow growing plant, remains today. Also in the Sandalwood Yards is the Tipperary Schoolhouse. This building, built in 1874, once situated on the York-Northam Road, was pulled down brick by brick and relocated to the present site. It now stands as a reminder of an old schoolhouse and teacher's quarters. Admittance to the school is possible by contacting the Residency Museum on 08 9641 1751. Obliged that you visited Travel Guide